Friday, March 24, 2006

NCAA Bracket Update

Looking back at my Cinderella picks I may not have been too far off, but I obviously discounted the two major underdogs in Bradley and George Mason. How coincidental was it that four of my upstart teams had to play each other (Arizona-Wisconsin & WV-So. Illinois), making it impossible two of them would live up to the title? Still, Witchita State remains a force to be reckoned with and Bradley's run supported the MV conference's claim of toughness. It was hard, though, to take Bucknell over Memphis and West Virginia over Texas (but what a game!). And once again, two 12's knocked off a couple 5's to start the tourney.
An examination of the Sweet 16 seems to have very few possible variations. The ESPN bracket group I'm in isn't very diverse, with virtually one or two game going to decide the winner. I think about everyone picked UConn in the final game and BC over Villanova and UCLA in the Final Four (except me, thanks to KU). Most of those look like safe bets but my hopes are still riding on Texas going far.

Standings after the first two rounds:

1. Guiter
2. Port
3. Alberty
4. Top Seeds
5. Zenisek
6. Casady
7. Williams
8. Kassel
9. Fischer

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Calling All Sportsfans!

We're looking for new recruits to liven up the old blog a bit. If you would like to join a blog or just write about sports, let us know and we will add you to our roster. The 2004-2005 Lakers taught us that you can never have too much talent...

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Dear Barry Bonds,

I've got two word for you: get out. Congratulations, you're the new T.O., the new bad boy, the new guy everyone loves to discuss but everyone hates to hear about. Cale discussed Bonds' waffling as to whether or not this is his last season, but I just can't see him sticking around for 2007; although, I believe he secretly enjoys the media frenzy and playing public enemy #1 (otherwise the only thing preventing his retirement is the homerun record).
Anyways, the hot topic is the new steroid accusations that went public. Whether we like it or not, he's all over ESPN again and everyone seems to be weighing in on the issue--why should I be any different? I used to not care, but the more I think about it the more serious the issue becomes, especially as he prepares to pass The Babe on the all-time HR list. I haven't read the book, but I've heard a lot about it and it supposedly has very credible sources. It's just too bad the two accusers are journalists because it feuls Bonds' argument that the media is out to get him. However, in all the public statements from both Bonds and his agent, they never once claim that the information is untrue. Instead, he keeps blaming journalists and pointing fingers at Mark McGwire and refusing to even read the book that calls him a liar and fraud. Personally, I don't think focusing on McGwire is such a good idea considering everyone assumes his guilt after the hearing in which he refused to deny the aligations and didn't want to "talk about the past." You'd think Barry might realize that taking his own vow of silence would incriminate him just as much as it did Mac. I don't think playing the "he got away with it so why can't I" card will get him anywhere. Besides, I don't think Mac really "got away" with anything--his HR record ended up being broken (by Bonds) and he decided to retire before he was forced out via steroid accusations and league punishments. Bonds is different because he persists to stay in the spotlight and keep playing while chasing Ruth and Aaron. (I will point out I'm not defending McGwire, despite I was a big fan of his, but rather saying two wrongs don't make it right.) According to reports, numerous players have used illegal drugs and some have even failed the new league policies, but noone can argue they compare to the magnitude of Bonds. They are all just as wrong to use the stuff, but can you imagine if the all-time homerun leader in the history of baseball was using steroids to get there? What a huge black eye on the entire game.
Michael Smith on Around The Horn said there is nothing we can do, that we can't go back and review/alter past statistics and banning Bonds to prevent him from breaking records is too extreme. (Although the current issue is whether or not Bonds lied about receiving illegal enhancers "unknowingly," and we all know what happened to the last guy that broke league policy and lied about it. If they can ban Pete Rose for life, why not Bonds?) Jose Conseco went on TV and claimed everyone is targeting Bonds (instead of McGwire, I guess) because he's black. This idiot thinks we should welcome the Steroid Era. I disagree with every one of these fools. I think the league really is trying to implement and enforce effective policies and we should give it a little time to see the outcome. Perhaps we are even passing out of this crazy "era" and returning to baseball in a more pure form. If you get tired of ESPN Sportcenter constantly debating this nonsense, then flip the dial to ESPN2 to the WBC and view what baseball was meant to be.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Watching Adam Morrison jump on the scorer's table, pumping his fist in the air and jumping around screaming you'd think they just won the NCAA title. Nope, it was just the lowly WCC. After Duke lost twice last week I can practically hear the west coast screaming for the Zags to nab a #1 seed in the tourney. Sorry Spokane, but it just ain't gonna happen...or at least it shouldn't. Sure Gonzaga is occasionally a feel good, underdog story, but this year they are simply overrated. Now I like Morrison's style and Batista is a force down low to be reckoned with, so maybe it is just my lack of respect for the WCC. Let's look at the number, shall we?
Gonzaga won six games by one basket or less. They went 2-3 against top 25 teams, with both of those victories coming against two teams that are far out of the rankings and struggling to even make it into the dance (MSU and Maryland). They won the conference tourney via an overtime thriller and then a one-point win after the opposition missed an open layup at the buzzer. Best team in ACC or best team in WCC as #1? Hmmm.
Maybe I'm a bit too hard on the Bulldogs, but it seems I've watched them dodge bullets all season. All I know is that if Gonzaga is deserving of a top seed then surely San Diego State shouldn't be far behind (lost by one in first meeting and in OT the second). Oh well, I'm sure if they don't they will complain about being underrated (which just absolutely kills the underdog aura) and will bow out in an early round upset. Let the madness begin!

Friday, March 03, 2006


The World Baseball Classic is finally here and it couldn't have arrived more silently. Despite what the experts say, I think it could actually turn out to be an interesting contest. It's very possible that baseball fans rally around the USA and pay it its due attention. Even though spring training obviously doesn't produce the best baseball, if nothing else, this is a great way to warm up for the season and presents a different dynamic; hell, maybe a friendly rivalry might even start that would surely get more of my attention than Yankees-Red Sox.
Coincidentally, my very first posting on this weblog touched on baseball across the world and ESPN is even supporting my case about Latin America. If given one team vs. the field I would normally have to choose the field so it is hard to strongly endorse Team USA as the favorite, but the Dominican team is suddenly crippled a bit, the loss of Pedro being worse than that of Vlad. The USA pitching rivals any as the top, but our lineup just doesn't quite have the power the DR team does. I mean Tejada, Ortiz, Pujols, Beltre, Soriano...need I go on? Now don't get me wrong, we're no slouch ourselves (Damon, Lee, Jeter, Rodriguez) but it appears most teams could pass as all-star teams. The experts picked Venezuela, but I just don't see it. My starting odds:

USA: 20%
DR: 25%
VE: 12%
PR: 13%
Field: %30

UPDATE: It sure looks like it won't be China after being outscored 28-3 in today's double-header as Korea jumps out to a 2-0 lead in the Asian round-robin.