Friday, January 05, 2007

Star Treatment and "Dumb Rules"

I was disappointed last night when NBA on TNT featured Charles Barkley alongside Marv Albert as the colorman tagteam for the riveting Kings-Lakers game. I usually listen to what Charles has to say, as he sometimes gives a unique perspective and isn't afraid to say it as it is, but last night I got a bit fed up. In the past I've heard him complain about referees holding every player to the same standards because he is a true believer of giving superstars preferential treatment (just like he received during his playing days). The play in question:

The Kings go up by four after a big fourth quarter rally of good defense and solid pick-and-rolls. After the Lakers hit a quick three, Sacto tries to inbound the ball, specifically to Kevin Martin who is a 91% free-throw shooter this season. Kobe knows this, so to prevent Martin from getting the ball he wraps him up from behind with both arms blatently across his chest and holds him back. Dick Bavetta calls a dead ball foul which results in one free-throw plus the ball.

Of course this sends Kobe into a frenzy, but it was Barkley who just couldn't believe that foul was called. He went on about how out of line Bavetta was for calling a dead ball foul, especially on Mr. Kobe Bryant. After literally a couple minutes of Barkley complaining that the refs should have let the play go and then just call an ordinary two-shot foul like LA wanted and how it reminded him of college basketball when he hates seeing refs call an intentional foul, Marv finally had enough and said, "But Charles, isn't that the rule?" His response? "Yeah, it's a rule, but a dumb rule. Sports are full of rules that shouldn't be followed and that's one they shouldn't have called." I laughed at Marv's next sarcastic question: "Is that what you're doing tonight, rewriting the rules?"

I should note that this all comes shortly after Ron Artest fouled out of the game for grabbing Kobe's jersey and holding him back to prevent him from getting the ball. Charles comments, "Yeah, it's a foul. But that's tough to foul out Ron Artest with that call." Frankly, I don't care what name's on your jersey, and it's good to see the refs don't either.

(Rather than a new post, I'll take this time to express how absurd it is the new "stricter" technical foul policy just doesn't apply to Kobe Bryant. Yes, both Duncan and Nowitzki complain an awful lot and get away with it, but not as much as Kobe. It's almost comical how much he whines to the refs. In fact, last night with the Lakers down by two towards the end of regulation, he tried some out of control spin move (in which I don't think he ever even saw the basket) right into two defenders who just stood their ground, expecting the whistle, and when it didn't come he turned to the officials with his arms outstretched and started yelling, even though the ball was still very much in play and his team was still hustling after it. This happens all the time, whenever he misses a contested shot, gets stripped of the ball, or gets called for a hand-check. Again, am I biased? Yes. Does that mean I'm wrong? No.)

UPDATE: The Onion on Kobe.

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