Friday, January 13, 2006

Speculation on this upcoming Draft

With regards to all the talk about Reggie Bush, Vince Young, and the rest of this very talented draft class, something is being left out of the picture. The teams that will be drafting these young men are not good at all. As talented as these players are, and trust me, we didn't see all of Reggie Bush's talent at the rose bowl, will struggle in their first year or two. The Texans lack any talent on offense outside of David Carr, who could make it if he had a line.

Vince Young also lacks the ability to read complex defensive schemes he'll see in the NFL. Clearly he is ready to take that step, but it will take time to adjust to the new speed and talent of the NFL. In the NFL, everybody you play against is very talented, not so much in college and it will take these stars time to adjust.

I feel like Matt Lienart may make the adjustment the quickest because of experience in Pete Carroll's and Norm Chow's system, but the player that stands to gain the most is LenDale White. A great player that may slip to the 5-12 pick and end up with a team that sucks less.

But hey, it could be worse, they don't have to deal with what Marcus Vick does...

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