Friday, June 30, 2006

In Defense of Ozzie

Wow, you say, who would do such a thing. Well, I guess I'll take a stand and voice my support for Mr. Gullien. Ozzie has a mouth, no question. It gets him into trouble quite often, no doubt. But these outbursts are Ozzie being Ozzie. He never likes to mince words and voices his opinion, whether we want to hear it or not. Politicians in DC should take note of Ozzie's style and quit feeding lines and tell us what they think, not what we want to hear. Ozzie's insensitive comment about Jay Mariotti ws rude, inapproriate, but not that far off. Have you ever heard Jay speak or talk about Chicago sports, the guy sucks. He refuses to interview in the White Sox clubhouse because of a supposed threatening from some players. Why don't you be a man and deal with instead of hiding behind your column. As for his outburst agains Sean Tracey, uncalled for a young pitcher, but he was not demoted for not hitting Blalock. Riske was on his way in, end of story. People have written over and over how Ozzie better watch his mouth or else he may be looking for a new job. I don't buy it. Ozzie is a proven winner and they way he carries himself is part of that and I would hate to see that change.

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