Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Cubbies Team to Beat!

100 years is a long time.
This is not the first, and definitely not the last time the baseball world will hear about the Cubs infertility, the greatest in sports history. I think of myself as a pretty realistic Cubs fan (I will mention Cale's post later), so I am confidently, and without cliche, saying that this is the Cubs' year. For the first time as a Cubs fan, I was satisfied with the offseason activity, even more so than getting Soriano the year before. This year, Jim Hendry tried to improve our power and run support with Fukudome, but also tried to improve our pitching for the first time in a while by getting Lieber and keeping the previous year's pitchers. I am happy to say that Mark Prior has finally been traded, but Kerry Wood is still pitching as a closer (he gave up 3 runs in the opener!) Pinella has many options for the lineup, rotation, and bullpen this year, probably the first time the Cubs had this many options since 2003. The pieces are all in place for a World Series run, especially with the Central being relatively down this season (90 games should easily win this division). So as I have before, I will raise my expectations and spend countless hours of watching and waiting in hopes that the Cubs can finally give back to the city of Chicago (the White Sox win doesn't count because, come on, it's the White Sox).

As for Cale's post. Alou has admitted this before and it was a long time ago, but I admit, too many Cubs fans look past Gonzalez's unbelievable error to blame a fan. I guess being illogical and unreasonable comes with being broken-hearted during the Cubs best chance for a World Series berth in over 50 years! I, on the other hand, will be realistic and look to the future...

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