Friday, March 28, 2008

Iraqi Soccer Team Wins Important Match

Here's the closest thing to a sportsy post I can come up with:

There's a new ad featuring the Iraq National Soccer Team on the Arabic television news channels, where the club plays a match with rifle-wielding terrorists to determine the fate of the country (hint: the terrorists lose). It starts out with "On a dark day, the terrorists wanted to conquer Iraq" and ends with the goalie disposing of a live grenade with a lucky kick.

The ad, the newest and least graphic installment of a gruesome campaign denouncing terrorism, is aimed at reinforcing the concept in the Arab world that everyone plays a part in stamping out terrorism. But, like the USPS commercials (who sends more letters because they see television ads?), I think TV commercials are a silly medium to influence the deep-seated, complex loyalties of citizens towards either fledgling governments or jihadist operations. But, it's good to see some levity and humor in the discussion, the concept of a soccer team facing with armed terrorists is outrageous
prima facie. I'm willing to bet it's our tax dollars at work!

If you just want a funny video about Arabs, check out
New Iraqi Law Requires Waiting Period For Suicide Vest Purchases


The Big Ticket said...

Haha. The shrapnel range will be too low when used on children, and thus a waste of a good suicide vest?


slowpitch said...

The Onion: ...shivved in the McRibs...sodomizes thirsty children...