Tuesday, August 08, 2006

A Late Night of Boredom

So I'm sitting here watching latenight TV and the only decent thing on is The World Series of Pop Culture. The theme is fictional locales in tv shows and movies and contestants from neither team knew the name of the golf course in Caddyshack! The guy didn't even have a guess and the opposing female spit out "The Century Club?"... Now, maybe I'm over-estimating how many people out there are familiar with Bushwood, but have you ever seen that SNL skit where all the business men are quoting Caddyshack and the one guy gets left out because he hasn't seen it? I've come to understand that Caddyshack has a reputation that most young to middle-aged men should be familiar enough with the flick to quote it, let alone know the basics. I realize I'm a sucker for old 70/80's dry slapstick humor, but Caddyshack is in a league of its own. Great setting, hilarious script, phenomenal cast. Maybe we ought to add "skinny skiing" and "going to bull fights on acid" to our list of "real" sports...

UPDATE: The following question was "what is the name of the coffee shop the group frequents in Seinfeld?" Once again, blanks across the board. How can you possibly claim to be a master in pop culture trivia and know nothing about Seinfeld?

UPDATE #2: Four questions later they were asked to name the "floating" city that Lando Calrissian oversees in The Empire Strikes Back, which of course neither of them knew. That's it, I'm changing the channel.

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