Friday, July 14, 2006

Enough is enough...

Today I was mulling over college football previews and stumbled across some very disturbing news. If you go to and go to the college football section, you can a free peak at what Blue Ribbon has to say about Iowa's upcoming season. Two things jumped out at me while skimming the article. The first came in the early part of the article. They mentioned how great Kirk Ferentz is, which he is, but then started in on how great Iowa football has been and that they'd only been held to less then 20 points twice, against a very talented Ohio State team (my opinion) and Iowa State. But its okay, Drew Tate left with a self inflicted (my words again) concussion. Okay, so if everybody is healthy they're a great team, but if not, well they can lose every once and a while and make a Jan. 1st bowl game. I thought that was too much already, but it got better, I guess.

Later it discussed their potential for success and how they thought the season would play out (last few paragraphs). Let me give a little background information to prepare you for this. Iowa plays Montana, Syracuse, Iowa State, and Illinois their first four games. "Fortunately for them, the schedule provides relief with four likely blowouts before they play host to Ohio State." Blowouts, three I would believe, but one of those teams beat Iowa last year, pretty handedly. I hope Hawk fans look past Iowa State this year, which they probably won't because they know they got rocked last year, but if they do, they're in trouble. Iowa State may struggle a little this year because their schedule is awful tough, but against the Hawks they should be ready, we always are. So here's to you Hawk fans, may Drew Tate continuing winning games, for Iowa State...

NOTE: On the bright side, Blue Ribbon had Todd Blythe, Brett Meyer, and DeAndre Jackson (DB and KR) all on 1st team Big XII. Rankings weren't out yet for how we would fair in the North, but this is promising. No Curvey though, strange...

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